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Angels in Art - 31st Oct

This free talk is at Reigate Park Church, Park Lane East, RH2 8BD on Tuesday 31st October at 2.30 pm.

There will be a light-hearted look at angels. We sing about them and admire their beauty, but do they exist and if they do, how do they pass their time in heaven?

Speaker, Dr. Katy Brown who is a graduate of the University of London and has lectured for the Universities of Edinburgh, Sussex and Surrey and the Open University. She has a particular interest in Italian Medieval and Renaissance art the majority of which was the result of religious patronage. Angels are frequently found in panel paintings and frescos and they add greatly to their beauty. Her talk will illustrate their magnificent appearance and the roles they play in Christian iconography.

Refreshments will be available and there will be a retiring collection for Conquest Art.

To book a place don't hesitate to get in touch with Wendy Hopkins ( 07855 233770) or the Church Office (

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