For me, it’s the little things that make a difference. That first cup of tea in the morning. An unexpected smile shared with a passer-by. Starting a new book. A sudden memory, often brought about by listening to music. A kind word. A surprise that lifts the day!
This morning I saw the first signs of my favourite flower, snowdrop shoots. They are such brave little flowers, and they will give me moments of pleasure daily as they continue to grow by the steps to my front door. These snowdrop shoots are the promise of spring and new growth.
In Matthew 13:31-32 Jesus talks about the mustard seed, the ‘smallest’ seed, which will grow to become a tree and shelter birds. He likens this to the spread of the Kingdom of Heaven amongst us. Little things matter.
I try to cherish these little things I’ve described which is not always easy when we are all so busy. But I know that I need to take time to acknowledge them, since I know that they help me continue to grow.
And my New Year resolution? Just a little thing, to open and read the Bible more ----
Taken from the February Edition of The Record