Well, I volunteered again, this time to run a games evening for the young people and what I classed as a games evening became a Retro Games evening. Why? Because most of the games came from my childhood. Shove Halfpenny should give it away!?! It was a huge success, with lots of fun, chatter and laughter.
Then I conjured up a service for the Elders which will have taken place before you read this. Several items in this service could come under the heading of Retro: most of the hymns, like To God Be the Glory, are ones that YouTube refer to as ‘Classic Hymns’ and some are no longer in our Hymn books. We didn't sing it, but All Things Bright and Beautiful is one of the missing ones. I thank the Indian choirs that are keeping them alive.
Now, it is important to let things that are detrimental to our mental health, that happened in the past, go.
But we also need to cherish many of the people and things that went before as there is a wealth of knowledge and useful works disappearing. How many of us remember David Owen’s hymns set to music by Mike Sammes, or David Skitt’s jokes? How many of us remember the empty seats behind the piano being filled with voices singing, hopefully in harmony.
So, enjoy your happy memories, and junk the bad ones.
Taken from the May Edition of The Record