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Dear Friends........

Whilst sitting in my garden on a beautiful sunny Sunday morning, enjoying a cup of tea before setting off to church, I was thinking about the content of this feature.  As I sat and pondered, Bertie – the very friendly blackbird that I feed daily – literally jumped into the entrance hall of my house and then into the kitchen; he was waiting for breakfast!  And then the equally friendly robin who is a constant visitor and a reminder that my late husband and parents are always looking out for me, arrived for breakfast too.  How incredibly lucky am I to enjoy the regular company of two beautiful birds.  It is wonderful to feel so needed of God’s stunning creatures.


This led me to realise that I have done two significant things in my life this year that I really pondered as to, can I do this and was I too old?


One was taking part in CoCo’s trip to South Africa in April.  A fabulous experience in every way and I will return, for sure.  But I was concerned about whether I should go, for lots of reasons, and I am now so grateful that I did.   Building houses, thoroughly enjoying the whole experience, with amazing company and in a beautiful country and meeting amazing people.  I am missing it all very much, even now.  Who would have thought?  I should have had more faith in myself!


The other thing I have done this year is to train to be a Celebrant, something I have wanted to do for a very long time.  Again, who would have thought I would do this!  This will be my retirement career and I am so looking forward to doing this.  It will be a total and thorough privilege to lead funeral services, marriage celebrations and naming ceremonies too.  For the time being, full-time work calls.  You really are never too old if a calling comes your way.  Take every opportunity laid out for you.  That is what God wants of you.


Both of these wonderful experiences of 2024 took me out of my comfort zone. Sue’s address in the service of 2nd June mentioned this very subject and look how Sue is such an amazing example to us all of doing something when a calling is experienced.  That happened to her and most definitely happened to me too.  In different ways but that is what life is all about.  We are all different.


The one defining thing is that you are never too old to do new things, even if they do take you out of your comfort zone.  If you want to do it, go for it.  Have faith in yourself because we know the one person who will support you is God.


God will use us in new and entirely different ways.  It may well be that all that came before was just preparatory.  That God has been honing you into a finished tool to accomplish his ultimate task for your life.  Remember that it took God 80 years to prepare Moses for the task he was called to perform.


Be willing to embrace change rather than resist it.  Trust that God knows what he is doing.  Whether or not you see purpose in where God has you today, know that the sovereign God is in control.  Be a willing tool in his hands.


So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt.”But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”And God said, “I will be with you.                           Exodus 3:10-12a NIV


It is lovely to be needed by more than just beautiful birds in my garden demanding breakfast!

Taken from the July/August Edition of The Record

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