Reigate Park Church
Weekly News - 12th October 2023
SUNDAY SERVICE Travelling together with Jesus in faith, hope and love. Reaching out with God's care and love for all.

This Sunday will be our annual Memorial Book Service led by Sue Knight. There will be a special focus on the memorial book and the names of the new entries will be remembered. We very much hope that all the families and friends of those names to be read out this year will be able to join us and hope that they will find their loved one’s inclusion an appropriate help and comfort, as we continue to remember them and give thanks to God for them.
As usual our service will start at 10am
Order of Service:
Call to worship
We come in this service to God, In our need, and bringing with us the needs of the world. We come to God, who has come to us in Jesus, And who walks with us the road of the world’s suffering. We come with our faith and with our doubts; We come with our hopes and our fears. We come as we are, because it is God who invites us to come, And God has promised never to turn us away.
Hymn R&S 95 - God is love: let heaven adore him
Prayer of approach & confession and Lord’s Prayer
Family Address
Hymn R&S 123 - Think of a world without any flowers
Notices and offertory prayer
Children leave for Junior Church
As you leave for Junior Church may the love of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you
And also with you (response by Junior Church)
Reading: Psalm 23
Memorial Book
Reading - Poem
Hymn R&S 531 - Lord of all hopefulness
Reading: Matthew 22 1-14
Sermon – Responding to God’s invitation
Hymn R&S 353 - There’s a wideness in God’s mercy
Prayers of intercession
Hymn R&S 96 - Great is thy faithfulness

Pease join us for tea and coffee in the hall after the service.
Lynne Skinner is leading worship at Moat URC this Sunday. We send our love and best wishes with Lynne to all our friends at Moat.

For our online viewers, here is the all important YouTube link: https://youtube.com/live/AgZajRTV62s?feature=share

Martin Skitt will be our Organist this week.

The flowers this Sunday have been provided by Linda & Tony Cockerill and arranged by Sue Wylie.

Tina Papworth will be leading our Junior Church session this week and as it’s the Memorial service they will have the theme of Memories. Playing games and doing their own illustrations. We look forward to seeing lots of you there!
Please remember to collect your children from the Lower Stage Room at the end of the session.