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Weekly News

Reigate Park Church

Weekly News - 27th February 2025


Travelling together with Jesus in faith, hope and love.

Reaching out with God's care and love for all.

For our service this coming Sunday, which will include the Sacrament of Holy Communion, we are delighted to welcome back the Rev. Ted Bellingham from Dorking URC.

As this service will include Holy Communion, if you are watching us online, please have something to eat and drink ready so that you can join us at the Lord's Table.

The theme of Ted's service this week will be: Steadfast in Faith

Please can all the children and young people go straight to the Hall on arrival and then they will re-join us for Communion.

As usual our service will start at 10am.

Order of Service


Call to Worship (said together)

Lord, I simply desire that

my life reflects your love,

my feet walk in your footsteps,

my lips speak of your glory,

and my strength comes from your cross.


Hymn:  R&S 104 - Praise my soul the King of Heaven

Offertory and Offertory Prayer

Prayers and Lord’s Prayer

Bible Reading: Daniel 6: 6-12 

Hymn: R&S 489 - Be thou my vision (omit verse 3)

Bible Reading: Daniel 6: 13-23

Sermon: Steadfast in Faith

Hymn: R&S 373 - Lord Jesus Christ   (Children return from Junior Church)


(The communion wine is non-alcoholic and there is rice cake and water on each tray as an alternative to the bread and wine)

Prayers of Intercession

Hymn: R&S 72 - Now thank we all our God

Prayer and Blessing


Rev. Siobhán Antoniou will be leading the service at Dorking URC this morning.

For those of you joining us online, here is the all important YouTube link:

  John Knight will be our Organist this Sunday.

The flowers this Sunday have been donated by Jane Fowler and arranged by Rita Harding.

Please can all the children and young people go straight to the Hall on arrival and then they will re-join us for Communion.

On the last Sunday before Lent - the time when Christians consider reconcilation with God - our Junior Church theme is Peace and Reconciliation.  We will explore how prayer is a powerful way to ask for forgivenes. Our young people will make a Lord's Prayer bead bracelet as a prayer prompt and a peace dove puppet to take home.

Looking forward to seeing you all then.

Emily, Sarah & Sue K



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